High-Performance Teams are about RESULTS
What is the difference between “working in a team” and being part of a “high-performance team”? RESULT!
So often, a measure of teamwork is about how people “feel” about the team they are in, and measure the performance of the team based on the intangible “workplace satisfaction.” The idea that a team will become more productive by merely having team building events like ax-throwing, scavenger hunts, golfing, cooking classes is misled. These types of activities can go a long way to breaking down the social barriers and encourage people to get to know each other; the reality is they are more about building harmony, not performance.
High-Performance Teams ACHIEVE RESULTS
High-Performance Teams are purposeful and led to deliver results. From my experience, high-performance teams:
Are motivated to achieve results
Have a line-of-sight to a shared vision
Are accountable for performance
Are aligned as a team
Share mutual trust and values
Are collaborative and open to feedback
Are inspired to be better leaders and employees
High-Performance Teams Require LEADERSHIP
High-Performance Teams are not an accident; they are led. Leading a high-performance team requires a coach who understands the strengths and weaknesses of the team members, and then sets clear expectations, provides regular feedback, and creates an environment for them to succeed. Leading also includes recognizing issues and people that are detrimental to the performance of the team and addressing them in a timely, methodical, and effective manner. Most importantly, the leader of a high-performance team must ensure that the individual and team accomplishments are recognized and celebrated. To be effective, the leader must maintain the core values of integrity, trust, and fairness.
High-Performance Leaders MOTIVATE
Each team is different and requires the effort of the leader to understand what motivates each team member to achieve results. As a senior leader, it is imperative to create an environment where the staff is motivated to achieve results as a team and not reward autocrats and egos.
High-Performance Team Members are DIVERSE
The highest performing teams that I have participated in have had a diversity of background, experience, talent, gender, and ages, which led to achieving results that were beyond expectations. Being part of a high-performance team can be career-changing for the leader and the team members. It is hard to be part of just any team, when you know what it’s like to be in a high-performing team!